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Sunday January 24 2016 - 'Snow Angels' band together in Newtown Township to help the elderly and disabled clear their walks and driveways

By Jeff Werner
[email protected]

Above, members of Rock Softball cleared cars and common areas at the Gloria Dei Plaza in Newtown Township.

NEWTOWN >> The day after the big blizzard of 2016, teams of Snow Angels were fanning out across the borough and the township responding to their neighbors in need.

Through the "Snow Angels" program instituted in late 2014, the township’s Parks and Recreation Department matches willing volunteers including Scout and community groups, families and individuals with elderly and disabled residents who have no one in their household who can help clear the snow.

This year, a team of volunteers from Newtown Rock Softball Association joined the program, helping to clear cars and common areas for the residents of Gloria Dei Plaza in Newtown Township.

Meanwhile, Troop 29 Boy Scouts Will Shikrallah, Anthony Leipziger, Ray DiFiori and Dylan Dolan were busy digging out 12 individuals in Newtown Township under the leadership of Bill Shikrallah. Their work took place in an area of the township bordering Newtown Borough.

Another crew of Snow Angels included Scout leader Dyke Davies and members of Troop 99. They worked primarily in Newtown Grant, Nob Hill and Colonial Commons. Troop 99 completed 13 homes in the area working until 7 p.m. Sunday night.

"It s a great opportunity to serve others," said Newtown Township Supervisor Jen Dix. "It's also a great opportunity for kids to learn how to help out the elderly in a good, intergenerational experience."

Dix, her husband and son are among a growing number of individuals and township families who are stepping forward to help out their neighbors after the snow falls. The program is open to anyone over the age of 14.

The Dix family has adopted an elderly township neighbor through the Snow Angels program. "It's a great experience and she's so appreciative," said Dix.

"I'm just really pleased that we have Rock Softball, the Boy Scouts and so many young people willing to help their neighbors," said Parks and Recreation Director Kathy Pawlenko, who organizes the Snow Angels program for the township. "We met almost everyone's needs even though we were short on volunteers," she said. "We were able to help out a lot of people because the volunteers we have were willing to take on extra houses," she said. "We have the need. We just need more volunteers."

The Snow Angels also took flight on Sunday in neighboring Lower Makefield for the first time where a grassroots effort paired scouts from Troop 10 with those who needed assistance. 

On 24 hours notice, Troop 10 provided 13 scouts (ages 11-17) and six dads making up four crews who were able to clear 15 homes in Lower Makefield, including a few "spin off" homes as a result of the helping nearby homes. Most were elderly residents and some were less-abled due to illness or long-term conditions. The Scouts put in 30 service hours on the project, reports Scoutmaster Chris Janzen.

To sign up as a Newtown Township Snow Angel volunteer, groups, individuals and families are asked to email [email protected] for an application form. 

Newtown Holiday Parade - Sunday December 6

The Newtown Girls Softball Association participated in the Newtown Holiday Parade this year giving out over 500 flyers and almost 600 candy canes.  Next year we will be adding another float to the mix and plan on getting much more participation from teams in the organization.


The Rock board members served up 750 hotdogs during the Noah's Playground unveiling!

Key Points:
The playground is being built at Veterans park in memory of Noah Cohen an infant who died of SIDS.  Noah is the son of Jason and Natalie Cohen and was only 8 weeks old when he unexpectedly passed away from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) while he was sleeping.  The Cohen family wanted to give back to the community who had supported them through the difficult days after Noah's death and the idea of a playground at Veterans Park emerged. The family raised $55,000 and the remainder of the cost of the playground was through Bucks County Open Space Grant matching funds.

The playground “Noah’s Playground” will be unveiled on Saturday, November 14th from 11am to 2pm at Veteran’s Park at 234 Durham Road in Newtown, PA. Additional parking is available at Newtown Elementary School. The ribbon cutting will happen at 11am, followed by a magic show from Judy Tudy the Clown.

In addition to the ribbon cutting, there will be several activities for children: a magic show, face painting, and balloon artists. Food options include hot dogs, cookies, soft pretzels and hot chocolate.

Hope to see you there,
NRSA Board